About Soliseco

Our commitment

to a more sustainable future is stronger than ever, and we are proud to offer you the opportunity to join our movement. By choosing our solution, you take a step towards energy self-consumption, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions in an accessible way for everyone. Join us in this adventure for a cleaner and greener world!

Origin of the project

In 2022, a project was initiated with a clear and simple goal: optimize energy self-consumption. It was observed that despite the abundant electricity production by solar panels during the sunny season, the boiler remained active. It then became evident to hybridize hot water production to promote better self-consumption while reducing dependence on gas.

The energy crisis related to the war in Ukraine paved the way for the realization of these ideas. After a year of testing, the highly promising results of the system were shared with the residents of the municipality, hoping that they would be inspired by this experience. Although many expressed interest, the complexity of the DIY approach discouraged them.

It was then that a decision was made to convert this system, designed with the help of home automation, into a product that is easy to set up for everyone. Soliseco's mission is to facilitate the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy for everyone, especially those with existing installations. Join us for a more independent and cleaner energy future!

Soliseco benefits from the support of Wallonia.